Although you may not realize it, simple table salt has a great number of uses other than simply seasoning your food. The following list will give you sixty uses of salt, many of which you probably didn't realize: 1. Soak stained hankies in salt water before washing. 2. Sprinkle salt on your shelves to keep ants away. 3. Soak fish in saltwater before descaling; the scales will come off easier. 4. Put a few grains of rice in your salt shaker for easier pouring. 5. Add salt to green salads to prevent wilting. 6. Test the freshness of eggs in a cup of saltwater; fresh eggs sink; bad ones float. 7. Add a little salt to your boiling water when cooking eggs; a cracked egg will stay in its shell this way. 8. A tiny pinch of salt with egg whites makes them beat up fluffier. 9. Soak wrinkled apples in a mildly salted water solution to perk them up. 10. Rub salt on your pancake griddle and your...